Class V Made Easy
Perfect your craft with cervical tooth-wear restoration mastery
Course Overview
Clinical Procedure
Clinical Cases
Rubber Dam Isolation Techniques
Master The Art Of Cl V Restoration
Ideal Contour And Emergence Profile
General dentists seeking to enhance their skills in composite restoration techniques
Prosthodontists, periodontists, and other dental specialists interested in cervical tooth wear management
Dental students
This course will undoubtedly elevate patient outcomes and satisfaction to unprecedented levels
Management of cervical tooth-wear: what, why, and how
How to administer a painless injection
Rubber Dam Isolation like a pro
Dentine surface treatment for optimal adhesion and micro-mechanical retention
Bullet proof adhesive bonding protocol
The art of obtaining the ideal contour and emergence profile
How to overcome the most common challenges: Debonding and post-operative sensitivity
How to avoid the most common mistake, the overhang